Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:11:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Scars Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:11:11 +0000 What are Scars?

Scars are usually a growth of tissue that appears at the spot of injury after healing. Although scarring indicates the process of healing, it is not desired by anyone and people seek multiple ways to ensure that no scar is left behind. Are you suffering from a similar issue ?? Feeling embarrassed in public due to a scar ?? Relax, there are multiple ways to fix them.

Generally, there are 4 types of scars :

  1. Keloid scars – These appear as a result of the hyperactive healing process and go beyond the margin of the original injury and sometimes it can cause limitation of movement.
  2. Contracture scars – This appears after the healing of a burn injury and it causes tightening of the skin leading to hampering of movement. This can sometimes go deeper and even affect the nerves.
  3. Hypertrophic scars – These are similar to keloid scars but do not go beyond the margin of injury.
  4. Acne scars – This appears as the result of severe acne and it may range from deep pits to angular type of scars.

First, try to understand that the type of scar determines the type of treatment that you need to undergo to fix them.

Do these scars make you stay indoors and away from parties, and functions ?? Do you feel low due to the scars?? Don’t worry, let’s have a look at different methods available to fix them.

1. Pressure therapy : 

This is done by applying pressure by employing an elastic bandage, and stocking during the healing process which prevents and reduces the scar, especially keloid scars. You need to wear it at least for a year with a renewal of pressure dressing every 2 to 3 months to achieve good results.

2. Silicone gel :

Silicone gel sheets are available which are known for treating the raised scars using reducing their size, redness, and swelling. It is recommended to be worn for months to get a good outcome.

3. Laser scar removal:

Fraxel laser is one of the best options to go for since it works by using laser energy to penetrate the deep skin and stimulate the production of collagen providing you with a smooth contour. It is less painful and more beneficial.

4. Apart from these methods, there are numerous home remedies to fix your scars. Let’s have a look at what they are.

  • Aloe vera 
  • Vitamin E capsule 
  • Coconut oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Potato
  • Rosehip and Frankincense oil

All these have to be applied topically and you need to be more consistent and regular in following the home remedies to achieve the desired results.

5. Scar revision surgery : 

It is a type of plastic surgery done to improve the appearance of the scar, bringing back the movements restricted by the scar. It is done under local anesthesia and is less painful.

Apart from the cosmetic reasons and the physical suffering, scars might give you unhealthy reminders of the injury which is not good for your mental health. 

Always remember that all these methods do not apply to everyone and the suggestion of a dermatologist is highly essential before undergoing these treatments. 

So, you should fix your scars and lead a happy, healthy life under the guidance of an experienced dermatologist.

Let your life be scar-free!!!

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Everything you need to know about chemical peeling. Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:07:56 +0000 Chemical peeling is a popular skincare treatment that uses a variety of chemicals to remove the top layer of skin. It has many benefits for people who want to improve their appearance.

  Some of the most common chemical agents used in chemical peels include glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, mandelic acid, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA), as these acids work together to break down the outer layers of skin cells.

Chemical peeling helps treat many different types of skin conditions:

  • Dyschromias: Freckles, Lentigines, Melasma, Fixed drug eruption, Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Acne: Comedonal acne, Acne excoriate, Post acne hyperpigmentation, Superficial mild post-acne scarring
  • Cosmetic & Epidermal: Fine wrinkling, Photoaging, Dilated pores, Milia, Seborrheic Keratosis, Actinic keratoses, Warts

There are a variety of reasons why someone might want to have chemical peeling done. Some people use it as a way to treat skin problems such as acne, age spots, or rough patches. Others use it for cosmetic purposes, such as removing unwanted wrinkles or blemishes. Chemical peels can also be used in combination with other treatments (such as lasers) to achieve better results.

As chemical peel is a non-invasive procedure, there are little to no side effects. It is suitable for all kinds of skin.

A chemical peel is also used to treat large body surface areas like back and under arms pigmentation and Thigh pigmentation.

Benefits of Chemical Peeling: 

– It treats acne. Acids break down oil cells and help clear up your complexion quickly. 

– It restores lost volume and enhances texture. Heavy scarring may become less noticeable after treatment due to increased collagen production. 

– It reduces redness and inflammation caused by acne outbreaks

There are several types of chemical peeling: 

  • Superficial Chemical peeling: Superficial peels target depth penetration to remove mild rhytids, Photoaging, Actinic and seborrheic keratoses, Acne, and Dyspigmentation in form of melasma and to improve overall textural alterations of skin
  • Glycolic acid peel: it is basically indicated for Melasma, Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, a series of 35% GA peels has produced good results. Photodamage, in the form of dyschromia, actinic keratoses, solar lentigines, and fine wrinkling. With GA peels, there was an improvement in mild photoaging of the skin Acne, acne scars, and seborrhea. 
  • Salicylic acid peel: it is a beta-hydroxy acid. ¨Naturally occurring substance found in the bark of willow tree. Ranges in concentration from 20–30% and peels are performed every 3–4 weeks for three to five sessions. Safe and efficacious in all skin types
  • Trichloroacetic acid: ¨Produces superficial peeling. These strengths, indicated for the treatment of fine rhytids, actinic damage, mild epidermal dyschromia, reduction of superficial keratoses, scars, and comedone formation

Treatment intervals between applications are generally within 7–28 days

There are a number of different types of chemical peels, each with its own benefits.

Your dermatologist will choose chemical peeling based on:-

  • Based on skin type
  • Based on the degree of photoaging

What to do after chemical peeling?

  • Strict sun avoidance and sun-protective measures during the postoperative period
  • Patients should be counseled not to smoke, as it impairs healing
  • After the peel, the patient should be advised to avoid sun exposure, facial scrubs, loofahs, picking at the peeling skin, taking steam inhalation, and using creams that cause exfoliation.
  • The patient must be instructed to use broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day, and a moisturizer at night. 

So, now you know about the different types of chemical peeling that are available.

You can consult with your doctor before deciding whether or not to get chemical peeling done. Remember, there’s no harm in trying out options if you do so responsibly!

Newer peels like yellow peels, glow peels, party peels, and black peels are combination peels that your doctor can advise looking at your skin.

Priyadarshini skin clinic provides all the options.

Consult Priyadarshini skin clinic.

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Acne Scar Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:05:17 +0000 Acne scar is a common concern among teenagers and adults and can be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing. 

There are many acne scar treatments available, some more suitable for mild acne while others are specific to severe acne scars. Want to know the best way to treat your acne scars? Read on. 

Treatment of acne scar:

Ablative laser resurfacing:

  • This treatment focuses on removing the top layer of the skin where the acne scars are present and stimulating collagen production.
  • Wrinkles, age spots, uneven skin tone, and actinic keratoses can be treated by ablative treatment.
  • Each session ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending upon the area being treated and the technique used.
  • Types of ablative treatment include Carbon dioxide laser and erbium laser.
  • Usually, around three to five sessions are required to achieve good results.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing:

  • Types of non-ablative laser resurfacing include mid-infrared laser, intense pulsed light, light-emitting diodes, and radiofrequency systems.
  • Non-ablative laser resurfacing focuses on heating the underlying skin tissue which in turn stimulates and produces more collagen.
  • Non-ablative laser resurfacing costs around 3000-8000 per session.
  • Each session takes about 30 minutes to complete and you might require 2 to 3 sessions to achieve good results


  • Dermabrasion is the process by which a rotating device is continuously applied over the skin and it removes the outer layer and renewed skin grows back smoother than before.
  • This is indicated in cases of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, acne scars, and surgical scars.
  • You cannot expect the scar to completely vanish in a single session. But in multiple sessions, you would notice the scars fading away. 
  • The duration of a session depends upon the surface area of the skin being treated. It might range from a few minutes to 2 hours 
  • You might notice an immediate improvement after a few weeks of treatment.

Chemical peeling:

  • This process works with the help of certain chemicals that remove the outer layer of skin following the renewal of the skin layer which is smoother and spot-free skin.
  • The most commonly used chemicals in this process are glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and trichloroacetic acid.
  • Since these chemicals also act as an exfoliant, you can start seeing results immediately after the treatment.
  • You might need 3 to 6 chemical peels for a complete cure, depending upon the type and severity of acne.
  • The cost of chemical peel ranges from Rs.2000 to Rs.8000 and this purely depends upon your acne scar condition.

Always remember, any treatment for skin has to be done only under the guidance and suggestion of a dermatologist since they can help you in choosing the right treatment option for your skin.

How does laser therapy help in the treatment of acne scars??

In addition to reducing scar size and encouraging healthy skin cell growth, laser treatment aims to replace scar tissue with new, healthy cells.

Lasers work by removing the top layer of skin where scars are present and then stimulating the growth of new and healthy skin cells. It minimizes the appearance of scars and promotes healing.

You need to follow proper skin care after the laser treatment suggested by your dermatologist to achieve complete benefit.

Let’s aim at getting spotless, glowing skin!!!


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Laser Treatment Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:01:43 +0000 What is laser therapy?

Laser treatments enhance the tone and texture of the skin by implementing the power of light and heat which promotes the production of collagen. It also facilitates tissue repair and helps in the restoration of normal cell function. Sometimes, it can be used along with other treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, for example, such as in the treatment of cancer.

Why is it done?

Laser treatment is a blessing for those who suffer from various skin problems like

1. Acne

2. Scarring, sun spots, and even wrinkles.

3. Superficial basal cell carcinoma

4. Warts

5. Hemangiomas

6. Tattoo removal

All of us desire to have glassy clear, glowing skin, and we seek various methods to achieve them and you know what? Laser treatment can be your lifesaver.

In today’s world, many individuals undergo laser skin treatment to achieve desired tone and complexion as well as provide a natural lift to the skin 

Now, let’s have a glance at the type of laser treatments :

1. Laser genesis: It is preferred by most people since it takes only 15-30 mins for the process and if you are suffering from rosacea especially, then you can opt for this type of laser treatment. Also, it can help you to get rid of wrinkles, and gives a glow to the skin.

2. Fractional CO2 laser: If you are worried about your deep acne scars, you can opt for this since it causes regeneration of collagen followed by filling in those areas lost due to acne scars.

3. Fraxel laser: It is the wholesome package of almost all benefits to the skin since it helps to get rid of your wrinkles, sun damage, and overall skin resurfacing and rejuvenation.

4. IPL(Intense Pulsed Light)laser: Exposure to too excessive sun radiation can significantly affect your glowing skin by producing spots and to get rid of it you can opt for IPL since it mainly targets melanin on the dark spots of the skin.

What is laser skin resurfacing?

It is a process performed by a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist where the skin is removed layer by layer followed by the formation of new skin cells that gives a younger look.


The cost of laser skin treatment can range from INR 1000 to INR 40,000 depending upon your problem and the type of treatment.

Is it safe and good for the skin?

Choosing the correct and the perfect dermatologist is the factor that holds the answer to this question. Because like other treatments, laser treatment can have adverse effects such as skin irritation, discoloration, and burns, if you have not chosen the right dermatologist. Schoosing your physician determines the quality of the outcome. It is a procedure that causes minimal pain but provides maximum benefits. The recovery period may range from two to three weeks during which you will slowly start seeing beautiful changes in your skin that you longed for.

During the recovery period, it is important to protect your skin from the harmful sun rays, since they may cause damage to your skin. If you are in the hands of an experienced dermatologist, laser treatment can do wonders to your skin and make you look younger and glow like anything. 

Choose wiser, look younger !!!

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